Florence Glanfield, Ph.D. is of Métis ancestry from Northeastern Alberta, a professor of mathematics education at the University of Alberta, and a current member of the NCTM Board of Directors.
Glanfield’s career has included opportunities to work with students and teachers in all geographic regions of Canada, (1) to teach high school mathematics, (2) to develop provincial mathematics programs of studies, (3) to participate in implementation of provincial programs of studies, (4) to develop student assessment materials, (5) to organize international, national, and provincial meetings in mathematics education, (6) to author student and teacher materials and research articles, and (7) engage in research activities alongside teachers at all stages of their careers: children of all ages, teacher educators, and communities.
Glanfield is active with numerous professional organization and has had an opportunity to serve as a board member for the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics; TODOS: Mathematics for ALL; the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group, and the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics.
Glanfield’s current research activities include working alongside First Nation / Aboriginal / Indigenous communities, urban Aboriginal youth, elementary & secondary mathematics teachers, and primary teachers and teacher educators in Tanzania.
Glanfield received the 2014 Iris M Carl Leadership and Equity Award in Mathematics Education from TODOS: Mathematics for ALL and the 1995 Mathematics Educator of the Year Award from the Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association.